Monday, March 10, 2008


I finally finished the socks for my brother. The cuff is a 2x2 rib, and shrinks up like crazy so it ended up looking like this long tube. I did some ribbing on the instep, something I hadn't done before. The clarity and color on the pic isn't great, but the yarn is a 100% merino superwash (he can throw it in the washing machine) hand-dyed in plum, green, and a little orange. I started my second pair, for myself, and will post those when I am done. This pair (below) is on size 3 needles, and mine are on size 0 and I can already see the difference (same yarn though).


Pam Hand said...

Wow Anshan - I am impressed with your socks - and even more impressed that your brother is so well adjusted that he will wear plum and green socks. Seriously, they are beautiful. You and Pat are making me seriously consider knitting socks - right after I finish the dolls I'm making for Mom and line the 2 and 3/4 purses I've knitted. I've been on a special project since mid February. I need to get with it as soon as this is over in another week. You guys are putting me to shame! I absolutely love your work. Pam

Pamo said...

Nice work Anshan,
I can't imagine making the heels and the in steps. Well done.

Pami said...

Yea, I don't think I'll be making socks after I saw your socks with all those DPNs. They are not my friends!

Those are beautiful and by the way ladies....I don't think Anshan's brother would look bad in anything!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Pami. He's hot...sorry Anshan. I love the socks! I'm not surprised, though, everything you make is beautiful. Pami, you can do DPN's. They just take a bit to get used to.