Friday, February 29, 2008

Avoiding Holes at Gusset

There is an excellent video at showing how to add an extra stitch at the end of the first side of the gusset and before picking up heel stitches for the second side of the gusset. The book I'm using suggests that you pick up two extra stitches in that space than can leave a hole between the gusset pick-up stitches and the instep stitches.
Just jab the needle into two different holes and make two extra stitches.

Then, according to my pattern book you work the following rows to close this gusset top.
Needle 1: knit to last 2 sts, ssk.
Needle 2 - work est pattern
Needle 3: K2 together, knit to end

You then start your gusset decrease rows per your pattern.

Now in my opinion you still have two extra stitches and therefore end up working an extra decrease row. However since you generally work the gusset decrease rows until you have a specific number of stitches remaining, I don't see the harm.

If this as clear as mud let me know.

1 comment:

Anshan said...

Thanks Pat! Ok, I think I understand but here is my problem. I already pick up 2 extra stitches in that gusset area. When I pick up the second one (the one next to the instep) it looks different from the rest, like it is just two stretched out ladders. Then I pick up the stitch and that stretched out ladder area becomes the hole. I do not do the second step which is to do a decrease right away, and my decrease is usually knit to the end, ssk, knit one, then work established stitches on second (or instep) needle. Hmmm. I am almost done with this pair, so maybe I will start a pair for myself so I can see how to correct this problem. Thanks again Pat!