Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Socks for me!

My first pair of socks are finally done. Celery green. The yarn was Bamboo, silk and wool as well as stretchy nylon.
Loved the yarn. Even though this knitted to gauge - I did do the swatch - I thought the socks were a little big for me.
The yarn says it knits to this gauge on either size one or two needles. I will opt for size one needles next time. My Mother is complaining about socks being too tight for her, so I'll see if these fit her. That might be too short. We will find out. It's certainly interesting to see how many ways you can contort stitches to make a heel, toe and all. I did make a birdseye heel flap on these. I like the idea of the socks being a little thicker at the heel.
May your stitches never drop -


Anshan said...

Pat, they look great! What rib stitch did you use? And how do you manage to not make a hole where you pick up stitches for the gusset? Mine never look that put together.

Margarita McKnitalot said...

They look fantastic Mama! How did you get them the same size??? That is what I am scared of!

Pamo said...

Fantastic looking socks Pat. I don't know how you do it but you make them look store bought. Of course I know they are better than that! Congrats

Patti said...

Thanks for the nice comments girls.

Anshan I answered your question as a separate post.

Margarget McKnitalot - I counted the repeats of the pattern and measured carefully to make them the same sizes. They are close - not perfect. Most things happen on socks by decreasing until you get a certain number of stitches to turn the heel or preform another function. So when you arrive at the proper number of stitches to do the next thing, technically you should have worked the same number of rows. I also laid my second sock over the first one often to tell how I was doing. They way you have taking to knitting, I don't think you will have much trouble.

Pamo -As always presentation is everything. Only I would have a wooden shoe form to drape my sock over. Haha! The pictures of your purses have been so nice you don't need any ideas about presentation.

Actually I think this blog is making us all better photographers.
Kellys pictures of her baby socks are too cute.

May your stitches never drop!

Anonymous said...

Pat, I love your socks! I really love how the ribbing goes all the way down the front. They look so professional, which makes sense for you! I would love to have the pattern!


Pam Hand said...

Well girls I have been working so much I haven't had time to check the Blog and I see that I am way behind. Your finished products are so very nicely done. Pat these are fantastic! I can see that I need a few lessons with you to learn to do socks. I can tell that you have learned some new techniques and are studying the techniques as you go. They are absolutely lovely - I would kill for a pair like that to wear with my jeans - great work. Pam