Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Paige's sweater

Okay, so here is Paige's sweater. Nevermind the ketchup stain or the fact that it's so long! She loves it and asks to wear it all the time, hence the stains! I'm glad that I could make her something that she loves to wear!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Latest purse

Well here is my latest purse fresh from the washer. I still need to box off the bottom, add handles, and maybe line it, after it dries.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eureka, it fits!

Finally! After getting prompted by Pam and scared by Margaret, I decided to plow forth and finish "the stupid dog sweater." All of that toil and hardwork actually paid off. Rob's dad was surprised, and loved it. It fit Bailey (or Bail Boy they call him) perfectly.

As you can see, Bailey is unlike most large dogs, and loves to wear things. We put it on him, and he went outside in it right away. Then came back in and relaxed.

It kept him warm while he was chasing after wild turkeys.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

3-Needle Bind Off

My mom was inquiring about the 3 Needle Bind Off... Here are the instructions that the calendar lists.

Hold 2 pieces with right sides together and needles parallel. With third needle, put needle knitwise into first st on each needle and knit those stitches together. Repeat for 2nd stitch on each needle. Two stitches are on right-hand needle. Pass 1st stitch over 2nd stitch on right-hand needle to bind off. Repeat.

Hope you can follow that!!! :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A new bag...for me!

So this is the next project, I have decided. Since finishing Margaret's bag and the stupid dog sweater (which I still have to sew in ends for), I decided to do a little something for me. I have had this pattern for a while and almost forgot about it. It's a hobo style, with a double zipper. I think I will shrink mine a little smaller, though.

My projects

Ok, so here is the stupid hat I did for my grandma. It turned out cute, but I knitted it on those circulars that I hated, so now it is known as the stupid hat. I will be glad to be rid of it! And also here is the sweater that I am knitting for Paige. The top and sleeves are all done, now I just need to knit the body. I am working on it, but it takes forever just to knit a row! And, Pami, I have been calling Anshan when I have a question about the pattern. They are tricky! You'll get it just fine, with all of the knitters that you have around you. It's not perfect as I have already made mistakes, but hopefully it will be wearable. I thought it was hard to knit it all in one piece, so I think I will try one next that you knit the pieces separate and then stitch them together. We'll see.

My Tote!

So here is the tote that Anshan made for me. I hope you love it as much as I do!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hi Knitters, I found a seller on ebay who is selling sets of 12 bamboo needles in both straight and circulars in graduated sizes for $9.99 to $15 for twelve needles. She has testimonials from other ebay sales about the quality and smoothness of the needles. I looks like a cheap way to build a great set of needles. Here's her seller's list for future purchases if you're interested.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

together at last

Well ladies here is the hat and tote together. The handles should be in by Wednesday. I can't wait.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Lining my purse

Well ladies here are my pictures of the lining I made for my purse. Pat thought that maybe I should share them. I ordered my handles and they will be here in about 5 days. I'll take more pictures when I am finally done. I have also started on a matching felt hat. Too fun!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Felting Instructions

Guess it would help if I added the actual instructions.

Felting Instructions

Here are some felting instructions sent to me by Pamo. Anyone interested in learning felting could use them on even the samples they have knitted up in wool. - Thanks Pamo

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Anshan...what did you end up deciding to do with that maroon super bulky yarn??

I've been baaaad

Ok ladies, I have been knitting but a little lazy about posting because I don't have my camera to take pictures of my newest acquisition. Friday night was my yarn shop's Happy Knitting Hour, and there was a one-day sale, 20% off of Blue Sky Alpaca yarns. So what did I do? I bought the most decadent stuff I have ever knit with. I made a scarf in 1x1 ribbing of Bulky chocolate brown (50/50alpaca and wool) and double stranded Brushed Suri (67% baby suri, 22% merino, 11% bamboo). I'll take a picture when I get the camera this weekend because it is at Rob's. But here they are. I nearly finished it by the end of the happy hour since it was from 5-7pm. It felt good enough to eat. Without the calories.
And about the handle and felting issue. I felted Margaret's purse fine, but I have had only one bag that seemed to stick to itself Pamo. It could be a lot of things, but one thing I always do is stop the washer periocidally to make sure it is not sticking to itself, wrapping around something and distorting its shape, or shrinking too much. It also could be all of the agitation elements you had (baking soda, detergent, a towel I think you said, plus your water also determines how it felts). The handles were an issue for me. My cobbler didn't have any leftovers so I had to buy a brand new leather belt and have them split it in two, and attach it. It was cheaper than it sounds. Kohls has a great selection, plus I saved by finding one very wide belt. The cobbler agreed it was a cheaper option for them too.

No Knitting :(

I am sorry to say that I haven't done any knitting for days! We have been helping Nate and Kaleigh prepare for their move. And today is moving day. They found a place that is smack dab in the middle between our house and the babysitters house. Only about 1 and a half miles aways. They are so excited....and we are very happy for them. Then I will proceed to my construction mode...I am going to take down the popcorn ceilings in the two rooms that were occupied by them and then paint the walls and ceilings before Michaela and Christian move into those rooms. So I'm still going to be busy doing stuff....after that is done, I'll be back to being a knitter. :) Can't wait!


I've been a little busy, so I haven't had much time to practice. Last night I was able to knit my first swatch without error! Yoo Hoo!! Pretty soon I'll be able to really make something.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Yarn - Purse Handles

Yea - my new yarn has arrived. I'm thrilled with the colors. I'm going to make the U-turn messenger bag printed in an earlier post. The finish of the Paton Classic yarn is wonderful to knit with.

I finished knitting the hot pink yarn tote, but haven't felted it yet. Need to get to Pam's to use her washer.

Pamo - I found purse handles at

Most of them are plastic, but look nice, I didn't see any right off that said they are leather, but look like it and they are only $7.99 a pair. Check it out.

As much as I appreciate Barb setting up this blog I'm having trouble checking all the time to see if anyone has commented on anything. Anyone else have this problem? I hate having to figure out those distorted letters to try to post anything. I liked it better when we just had emails flying back and forth popping up many times a day. I can't remember how many posts were on the blog the last time I was there, so I have to open each previous post's comments to see if somebody else said anything. Does anyone else want to go back to regular email and we can post links and patterns and other general instructions on the blog? It could be just me, but I think that we've slowed down a lot on the conversation. Or did everyone just get too busy returning to work after the holidays?

Great cartoon Pami - how is the knitting going?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Leather Handles

Hey Margaret, Could you check on the price of leather handles the next time you go to Purl's? I can not find any around here. The cheapest sew on leather handles that I found on the web are $24 plus shipping. I can't find any with with the rings on them that are round leather. I have made 4 tabs to attach the rings but I will improvise and sew on if I have to. Let me know.
Thanks Pamo

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I did it without a loom!

Great job Pamo. The reason I wanted to start knitting is to make those bags. I picked up the needles for the first the first time last night and I can now cast on and knit. I keep tearing it apart and each time I do it again, it looks better.

here it is

Okay here we go. Fresh out of the washer I was scared. Pat you are gonna need some help opening it back up unless Anshan knows another way to do it. Shaping was easy. Now I need to find the handles and snap. Just thought I would share with you. BTW the dimensions were 16" tall, 12 1/2" wide and 3 3/4" on the sides and bottom. Finished they are 10" tall, 9 3/4" wide, and 3" on the sides and bottom. Pat I ran it through my front loader, set on normal wash, hot/cold with a little detergent and about 1tbls baking soda.

New website

Hello ladies. I found a really good website. I was checking for leather handles for my tote when I came across it. I do not know how to post it on the left hand side, is that for administrators only? Any way here it is I really liked the felting instruction page. I have my tote in the washer now. Fingers crossed ladies!

Definitions of Knitting Terms with How To Instructions

Hi Girls - it's me again. Kelly's question about twist one knit in her cable pattern for decreases got me searching on the web for the answer. I found a great website with all kinds of tables and charts to help knitters - there are often several abbreviations for the same stitch or technique. One of the charts gives knitting abbreviations - with columns to tell you what the abbreviation means and another column giving the instruction on how to execute the stitch or direction. Check out the left side - there is a huge amount of useful information on this website. We'll get this one posted but for now here's the URL. I don't know how to turn it in to a hot link so for now you'll have to copy and paste into your browser.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Pattern help

Ok girls. Thanks so much for your help on my previous problem. I really appreciate the feedback and have been advised by everyone so far that I really will use my circulars a ton! I agree, as I love them more than straights. It's a lot easier and can sit next to my honey on the couch without pushing him two feet away! My next help is with a pattern I am working on. It's a mock cable, or baby cable as the pattern says. So, basically it's a K2 P2 for 3 rows, with a right twist in the knits in the 4th row. I've got all that down, but when it's time to decrease is says to right twist an individual knit. How do you go about doing that? I have a couple ideas, but am not sure if they are right. It's not an emergency, as I'm only about half-way done with the body of the hat and will have to go back for some more yarn as well. Any input would be great!

Relaxing the Coils in CIrcular Needles

Knitters, I left this tip on a comment for Kelly - Pamo was glad as she'd had trouble with hers - so in case you all aren't checking the comments on the prior postings, I thought I'd go ahead and make the tip a posting in case anyone else needed the information.

To relax the coils on new circular needles: Put some water on to heat - put the new tightly coiled circular needle in a pie pan or frying pan and when the water is ready - pour the nearly boiling water into the frying pan and over the needle enough to fill the pan about an inch or so. The circular needle will immediately relax - you shouldn't ever have to do it again unless you store your needle coiled up in the original package.

BLOG updated

Hi there KKs - just thought I'd give a quick "techie" update.

I've been trying to find some new/neat things to do with the site:
  • The ability to add files to the posts for patterns - not too much luck yet
  • Add links to pattern websites - I added the ones my mom (Pam) sent in the emails the other day. Right now Margie and I are the only ones that can do that. If you haven't noticed yet Margie - I gave you admin rights as well as myself
  • Display/show the comments beneath each post - no such luck yet - but I did find a setting to have them show up in a pop up window. WAY less annoying than going to another page and then having to get back to the main blogger page.
  • A Poll - Margie and/or I can create a poll on the website. I need some ideas for questions and the possible responses. Then we can add that on.
If there's any other things you have questions on, requests, etc - send them on to the geek at I'll try to figure out how to do it or find another workaround if possible.

Happy Knitting! Glad you guys are using the site!!


circular needles

Ok, gals, so I have a question about circulars. I've been making a ton of hats, as you know, so I've been using circulars a lot lately. I know that everything will not call for a circular when I start knitting socks or sweaters and things. I went to Michael's to get some more sizes and they really didn't have a lot to choose from. Where has everyone gotten their circular needles? Online? I actually saw a convertible kit and it was on sale. I got it for a pretty good deal, with my return that I had to make, and it was 30% off. My dilemma is that they are the metal needles (can't think of what they are called) which I don't love. I'm a little bit spoiled by the ones Anshan sent which are wood. I also dropped a couple of stitches because one came unscrewed while I was knitting. Not a really big deal, I guess. I will just have to remember to check it more often, and it only happened on the working (right) side. So, do I take it back because I don't love it, or do I stick with it because it was a good deal and it would cost a ton more to get all of those needles in each size and length. It goes from size 2 to 15 with 20" to 32" lengths. In the grand scheme of things am I going to be using these a ton? Thanks for your input!

Hi KK Members,

This morning I finished the binding on Mom's sweatshirt jacket. She's been cold in the house lately and we couldn't find anything suitable to wear around the house in the stores. I got to thinking about those sweatshirt conversions I've seen on the sewing shows. A lady, I think her name is Mary Mulari has two or three books out - she's been doing them for years but has had a resurgence in the popularity of the altered look of sweatshirts and she put out another book or two. Armed with the basic idea, I scrounged around in the cupboards for one of Bob's older SS and found a Wilson Athletic SS with their embroidered logo on the front. I looked around the web couldn't find any real directions so I just winged it. I found a piece of cotton fabric in enough length to cut some binding on the bias and made the jacket in the picture with three quarter sleeves. Since it was a used SS I decided to just have at it. I pretty much knew what had to be done. The whacked off sleeves parts became pockets and I traced off a Scottie dog to appliqué over the Wilson logo. Barb went to Mom's to fix a TV/remote control problem this morning and took the jacket to Mom - she loves it! She wants two more so I now have more projects to keep me busy. I didn't put any closures on this jacket but a separating jacket zipper could be inserted in the front.

A lesson in Ombre Yarns

This is to show you what can happen when you choose an Ombre (multi-colored) yarn that is a different brand that what is called for in the pattern. Pam and I were both going nuts because you girl's purses are so pretty. So I went to Walmart and bought the only wool yarn they had to make a purse like Pamo's (see her earlier picture.) See the beautiful stipes created by her yarn? I belive that is Paton's yarn.
I had to get Lamb's Pride, as that is all that they had at Wal Mart. Because the various sections of color are so short in the Lamb's Pride, I'm not getting stripes at all, just a multi-colored bag.
I hate these colors anyway, but I can use it for a knitting bag or something - unless someone wants it when I'm done. Hot pinks just aren't my colors.
I just couldn't wait to get started to see how this felting works. But thought you newer knitters might like to see what can happen when you switch yarn brands.

Friday, January 4, 2008

This is great!

Hi Everyone! This site is great!
I've been feeling really icky with a major sinus infection and chest cold so haven't been doing much of anything but sleeping and pouting at the lack of progression of my knitting skills. I had a good little sqaure started...thank you Margaret, you're an awesome teacher!!!! (The book you recommended finally came in at the library and I'm hoping that helps.) Anyway, my yarn kept fraying and knotting, so I unraveled it all and started again, only to have it get all messy and fuzzy again. I'm dragging Jans to Michael's tomorrow to find some better quality yarn, and in the meantime have been working on crocheting the scarf for my mom which should be done by next week and then I can finally post pretty pictures. Everyone is making such wonderfully creative projects, I'm hoping to catch up in the next couple weeks.

It's Pat's Fault

So my sister called me today - looking for yarn and needles - long discussion short - she went to the store and got yarn for a bag and I told her I had lots of needles - so she innocently asks: "so, should I pick you up some wool?" So I said - "well, OK." She brought me some wool, I gave her some needles and we're working on the bucket bag because there wasn't enough wool at the store for the other Messenger Bag and she has wool coming on the 8th. Well it's been a long day and I could hardly keep my eyes open but I did cast on the requisite 126 stitches and got one row knitted. I'm officially a Knotty Knitter! I now have a doll sweater needing one sleeve, a jacket for Mom needing the binding finished and three doll dresses all in one stage of completion or another, oh yeah and a Bucket Bag with one row finished. But it's all fun!

Oh Barb, thanks for the new embellishments on the Blog page - I love the new header and the titles on the left size - very cool. I'll teach you how to knit on circular needles on Sunday!

Ok, so here are a couple of pictures (if I can figure out how to attach) of Zachary's first lost tooth! I didn't even know it was loose. He never said anything to me, and he lost it today while he was eating lunch! Luckily he realized it was loose and didn't swallow it! Explain that to the tooth fairy! The next is of Brent with the kids in their hats. I'm the only one that doesn't have one since I learned circulars. I'm too busy making them for everyone else. It's fun, though. Can't wait to move on to a little cardigan for Emma.
I love the green hat with the cables! It is great. Can you pass along that pattern? I want to make one for my grandma, but the pattern I have is giving me problems. I've done a swatch for gauge, and what she recommended as 9-11 size needles actually made me go to a size 15. She said she is a big knitter so she used size 7's. Does that mean I'm a small knitter? Anyway, just wondering.

Anyone have a handle on this?

Hey there fellow knitters. Does anyone know where you can buy leather handles? Anshan is the cobbler making yours for you ? Let me know

Aunt Pam

Here is what my mom is working on...that is the only pattern I have on my computer. Want it through email??


Dear KK'ers - I know that some patterns got passed around via email. Barb is doing some research to see how we can post patterns to the Blog - but in the meantime - would you guys pass the patterns to me via the regular email? I want to see what you're doing in the way of the bags. We can use them to practice with if Barb does find a way to post them. Thanks, Senior Pam

Tote progress

Hello everyone, Well I finally cast off the last row on my tote bag. I am making the handle straps now. I took a picture and thought I would see if I could attach that here. I have not sewn the bottom together yet but this is my progress report.

Pami, Fantastic picture. You look great kid.

Margaret, I think the pattern on the bottom is the one for Pami, but that is just me.

New yarn I got Pami's new can choose this...or just the plain white like we talked about. Let me know what you looks like a softer coral in person. It was only $1.99 per skein...I thought that was a great deal.....Thanks ANNIE!!! So I got some other colors too.....I think this might be good for some things for baby colors.

pami's picture

Ok...well I didn't get to select a yarn for Pami's hat yet....I am going to try Joann's...Anshan says that there is a sale there today. I went to Purl's but nothing was jumping out at the search continues. Pami....I love your picture....when you were Arethra Franklin, right?? Also...I want you to understand that you are not as old as you have stated in your profile here......because that makes me really OLD! It says that it is you were born in 1933 instead of you being 33 years old.....isn't that funny?

Pami's hat

Hello friends! Ok...I am looking to see what I should do for Pami's hat. She requested cables....which I have a pattern for...but I am throwing out some other ideas for her snow boarding at, just to see if they strike our fancy. What do you think?

Im In

Hi girls,
My in box seemed so empty this morning without all the knitting posts. This actually should work so much better. Thanks, Barb.

My yarn still didn't come last night, so hopefully it will be here tonight.

Good luck Anshan - you're father-in-law to be is a dog? I hope the son looks better.

Anshan, my purse pattern has a knitted strap that goes around the shoulder as well as around the purse to form the sides and the bottom. It says to knit it 86" then of course it will be felted.
I know that I will want to shorten that strap, as I'm too short. But I don't have any idea how much it will shrink when it's felted. Can you give me a clue. Like if I knit it 6" shorter will I loose only three inches when it's felted or will I loose 12"? My brain is too old to compute this.

Nice picture Pami. I never did get a copy of that. Might be a good Mother's Day present or something.

Current Knitting Project

Hi all! I just wanted to see if this was working for my account. I also have a question about my next project. I have finished my current project, Margaret's long-awaited (and now late Christmas present) tote bag. It is on its way to be finished with leather straps today. She'll have to post pics when she gets it. So Pat is wondering what we are all working on now. I have been silently stewing about a dog sweater I got roped into making for my boyfriend's father. I thought it would be way easier than it is, and it involves making the pattern fit - get this - a 7 year old black lab. So you can see why I have blocked it from my mind and have avoided it at all costs. I am actually down to the split for the legs. It was actually 10 degrees yesterday, and I guess he could actually use it!

Pattern Posting???

Hey Barb, I was wondering if there is a way to create a pattern file on the blog - or at least a way to post patterns. There were some patterns floating around in emails before I got involved which I'd like to see or refer to. Do you think there is a way to do this other than saving the pattern as a .jpeg and posting as a picture?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hello Ladies

Thanks, Barb! I'm not officially a knitter yet either, I just like to talk to everybody. This is pretty cool. I don't have any pictures of my beanies yet, so I'll put this one in there instead. I'll get some of the beanies if I can keep them in my possession long enough.
Hello fellow knotty's. I'm just trying to see if I got this right or not. Thank you Barb for creating this blog.

Short Cut on Your Desktop Copy the URL - go to your desktop and right click on the desktop and choose New Short Cut - then paste the URL in when it asks for it and name it Knotty Knitters Blog. At least it works that way on XP - not sure about Vista but probably similar.

Welcome to the Knotty Knitters of Arizona blog!!

I created a team blog so that all of us can create posts and hopefully load pics of the knitting we have done. I'm mostly the techie behind it - you guys are doing the real knitting. With a 3 year old - I haven't had time to knit or crochet since she was a few months old.

Have fun with the site!!

P.S. You can create new posts by using the link at the top right of the page. There in the text area - there are a number of editing tools for your font, etc. there's also an image icon so you can add pictures of your knitting projects. ALSO - you can save this link in your favorites with the URL of just knotty knitters was already taken.



Ok...what am I doing here?