Saturday, January 5, 2008

circular needles

Ok, gals, so I have a question about circulars. I've been making a ton of hats, as you know, so I've been using circulars a lot lately. I know that everything will not call for a circular when I start knitting socks or sweaters and things. I went to Michael's to get some more sizes and they really didn't have a lot to choose from. Where has everyone gotten their circular needles? Online? I actually saw a convertible kit and it was on sale. I got it for a pretty good deal, with my return that I had to make, and it was 30% off. My dilemma is that they are the metal needles (can't think of what they are called) which I don't love. I'm a little bit spoiled by the ones Anshan sent which are wood. I also dropped a couple of stitches because one came unscrewed while I was knitting. Not a really big deal, I guess. I will just have to remember to check it more often, and it only happened on the working (right) side. So, do I take it back because I don't love it, or do I stick with it because it was a good deal and it would cost a ton more to get all of those needles in each size and length. It goes from size 2 to 15 with 20" to 32" lengths. In the grand scheme of things am I going to be using these a ton? Thanks for your input!


Pam Hand said...

Kelly? Right Kelly is Newbie? If you don't love them - take them back- I tried those convertible ones one time and hated working with them. I get almost all my bamboo needles at Purls - are you in Tucson? Take them out of the package and check for smoothness first - once in a while there will be one with a splinter. Do you guys all know how to relax your circular needles? Put some water on to heat - put the tightly coiled needle in a pie pan or frying pan and pour the nearly boiling water into the frying pan and over the needle enough to fill the pan about an inch or so. The circular needle will immediately relax - you shouldn't ever have to do it again unless you store your needle coiled up in the original package.

Pamo said...

Kelly, I agree, take them back. You are going to be doing a lot with the circular needles and need to have some that you are comfortable with so you will continue to enjoy knitting. If you can't find them locally order them online. I think it will be worth it in the long run. I haven't tried wooden ones yet. I'm using all the ones Pam and I found at yard sales, metal. BTW thanks for the tip on the relaxing the coils Pam. I had a heck of a time with mine.

Anshan said...

Kelly, I know I gave you mixed feedback online last night but now I think I am going to say that I agree about taking them back. It was a good deal, but not great since in all of your knitting you won't use many of those sizes. In general, if you are doing socks you will have size 3-5 dpns, hats will take the same size needle pretty much, and it will be sweaters that require more. And if you are working a sweater, especially for yourself, trust me you will want to be knitting with the bamboo needles that you like. Plus you have time to acquire them, you don't need a huge stash of them yet. I would just buy a few staples (size 10 lengths 16-25) and then buy as your project calls for.