Saturday, January 5, 2008

BLOG updated

Hi there KKs - just thought I'd give a quick "techie" update.

I've been trying to find some new/neat things to do with the site:
  • The ability to add files to the posts for patterns - not too much luck yet
  • Add links to pattern websites - I added the ones my mom (Pam) sent in the emails the other day. Right now Margie and I are the only ones that can do that. If you haven't noticed yet Margie - I gave you admin rights as well as myself
  • Display/show the comments beneath each post - no such luck yet - but I did find a setting to have them show up in a pop up window. WAY less annoying than going to another page and then having to get back to the main blogger page.
  • A Poll - Margie and/or I can create a poll on the website. I need some ideas for questions and the possible responses. Then we can add that on.
If there's any other things you have questions on, requests, etc - send them on to the geek at I'll try to figure out how to do it or find another workaround if possible.

Happy Knitting! Glad you guys are using the site!!



Pam Hand said...

Oh yeah, the pop up window is much nicer than going to another page - it took me a minute to realize you'd already done it! Thanks for that one!

Patti said...

Good job Barb, I can't wait unitl we get some needles in your hands, but in the meantime its great your are the master tech of our little group.

Anshan said...

Barbara, all your help is soo appreciated! I noticed the pop-up window too, and it was way nicer this way. Thanks!

Margarita McKnitalot said...

Pop up is great...I did notice that you gave me admin rights...did you notice that I had changed the titles on the left???

Pamo said...

Thanks Barb, you have made this so much easier than it could have been. I will have to check out all the new goodies you have added.

Pam Hand said...

Margie, I didn't realize you had done the new titles on the left until Barb told me. I had originally given Kudos to Barb b/c I didn't realize you were the author of those titles - the are great and sooo cute! Thanks to you both for making this page even greater and more useful!

MadsmomAZ said...

Oh yeah Margie - I realized after I said that in this post that DUH you must have known or someone magic made those titles on the left. Way cute! 2 Admins are always better than 1 - especially when 1 admin has a 3 year old that keeps me hopping but for 2 min at a stretch every few hours :-)