Saturday, January 5, 2008

A lesson in Ombre Yarns

This is to show you what can happen when you choose an Ombre (multi-colored) yarn that is a different brand that what is called for in the pattern. Pam and I were both going nuts because you girl's purses are so pretty. So I went to Walmart and bought the only wool yarn they had to make a purse like Pamo's (see her earlier picture.) See the beautiful stipes created by her yarn? I belive that is Paton's yarn.
I had to get Lamb's Pride, as that is all that they had at Wal Mart. Because the various sections of color are so short in the Lamb's Pride, I'm not getting stripes at all, just a multi-colored bag.
I hate these colors anyway, but I can use it for a knitting bag or something - unless someone wants it when I'm done. Hot pinks just aren't my colors.
I just couldn't wait to get started to see how this felting works. But thought you newer knitters might like to see what can happen when you switch yarn brands.


Pam Hand said...

Well, that's about what I've always gotten with Ombre yarns - I always tried to avoid the striping and have cut out sections of yarn when the evolving pattern turned to stripes - isn't that strange how our perceptions or expectations differ! I think it's lovely Pat and will make a great gift for Mom for her BD or mother's day. She loves those colors! Or go back to WM and get a solid color and do some banding to break up the color and the overall pattern of the yarn??? See - even we who are somewhat experienced have different knitting experiences.......

Anshan said...

Ah! I hate when that happens! Brands vary with whether they carry solids, self-striping yarn (which Pamo had) and variagated yarn (apparently what you got!). I didn't even know Lamb's Pride carried anything but solids, as that as all that my shop sells. Interesting! A lesson learned for us all! :(

Anonymous said...

I've also had that happen to me. I was making a hat for Paige with some Wal Mart yarn as well (quick to look there when you have to shop) and my colors didn't turn out as I wanted them to. I've never seen a self-striping yarn. What do you look for? I prefer just the small bands of color so that all of the colors make an appearance and not spots of the same color.

Pamo said...

Sorry about that Pat. Yep, mine is the yarn called for in the pattern and it is definitely self striping. I really like it alot. I just finished sewing up the bottom and the straps that will hold the handles. Unfortnately Pat, the felting instructions say you must use a top loading washer. I will have to see if I can use Dee's tomorrow or the next day. Pam's right though, your Mom would like the colors for sure.

Patti said...

Knitting Newbie? is that you Kelly? Paton's SWS yarn is the stiping type. It's available at Joann's or in various sites on the internet, just type Paton's SWS in the search window.

I knitted up a skein already, it would be OK if it was in my colors.
I'm not sure if Mom would like the gold in it though she would like all the other colors. I'll see.

Anshan said...

Kel, it should be on the label. Like Margaret's that she posted earlier "Sugar and Cream stripes." The bands of color are usually bigger in the skein, as Pat said.