Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Yarn - Purse Handles

Yea - my new yarn has arrived. I'm thrilled with the colors. I'm going to make the U-turn messenger bag printed in an earlier post. The finish of the Paton Classic yarn is wonderful to knit with.

I finished knitting the hot pink yarn tote, but haven't felted it yet. Need to get to Pam's to use her washer.

Pamo - I found purse handles at

Most of them are plastic, but look nice, I didn't see any right off that said they are leather, but look like it and they are only $7.99 a pair. Check it out.

As much as I appreciate Barb setting up this blog I'm having trouble checking all the time to see if anyone has commented on anything. Anyone else have this problem? I hate having to figure out those distorted letters to try to post anything. I liked it better when we just had emails flying back and forth popping up many times a day. I can't remember how many posts were on the blog the last time I was there, so I have to open each previous post's comments to see if somebody else said anything. Does anyone else want to go back to regular email and we can post links and patterns and other general instructions on the blog? It could be just me, but I think that we've slowed down a lot on the conversation. Or did everyone just get too busy returning to work after the holidays?

Great cartoon Pami - how is the knitting going?


Pamo said...

Thanks for looking for the handles. I did see these before and I think they are vinyl and I couldn't find any that were 22". They could work in a pinch though. I'm so glad that your yarn finally got there. I love the feel of the Paton's yarn. Let us know how your felting comes out. I'm trying to work with the DPN's now. Having some trouble but I will keep at it. Once I get it down pat, no pun intended, I will start on my felted hat pattern to go with my purse.

Margarita McKnitalot said...

It is a little harder than just seeing emails pop up because you know exactly what you've read. I am game for doing it either way. :)

Anonymous said...

Pat, I agree. I was telling Anshan that same thing the other day via e-mail. It just doesn't feel as personal and I liked when it was just right there. I am so not a techi either, so I prefer the simple way. That's just me, though. I enjoy the conversation either way, so whatever the consensus wants, I will be fine with.

Anshan said...

Pat, I agree! I did notice that I was crazy about checking email and even though it felt like a lot, I at least could keep up with it. There is too much of an opportunity to be anonymous (ie. lazy) this way, and I really want to be engaged in the conversation. So I would be game for some kind of combo as well.

Pamo said...

Well then ladies if you feel that way, why don't we start email again? I miss all the chatter too!