Saturday, January 5, 2008

Pattern help

Ok girls. Thanks so much for your help on my previous problem. I really appreciate the feedback and have been advised by everyone so far that I really will use my circulars a ton! I agree, as I love them more than straights. It's a lot easier and can sit next to my honey on the couch without pushing him two feet away! My next help is with a pattern I am working on. It's a mock cable, or baby cable as the pattern says. So, basically it's a K2 P2 for 3 rows, with a right twist in the knits in the 4th row. I've got all that down, but when it's time to decrease is says to right twist an individual knit. How do you go about doing that? I have a couple ideas, but am not sure if they are right. It's not an emergency, as I'm only about half-way done with the body of the hat and will have to go back for some more yarn as well. Any input would be great!


Pam Hand said...

Kelly, I think it means just to knit in the back of that individual stitch which will twist the stitch - I looked at some web sites for Mock Cable and found some cool new free patterns. Here's the website I found your term"right twist an individual stitch" and its translation was knit in the back of the stitch.

Pat might have some better information........

Patti said...

I think Pam's instructions above are correct. Good Luck